This blog content is to help bloggers specially bloggers to have tips and tricks few hacks to make their blog look good to people and even to google bots

Add Social Bookmarking Button

How to add Social Bookmarking Button in Blogger

This Article will tell you how to add Social Bookmarking Buttons in your Blog. First i will tell about chicklets and Badges for side then Badges for post.


These are small horizontal badges which include all bookmarking sites when visitor hover it or click it it opens and visitor chhose site to bookmark pages. There is some free sites which provide these services,what you have to do is register your self to them follow information. Here is two good sites (i) (ii)

 (i) About addthis --> In your account click Get Your Button at top, select type where you want to put this button example : Blogger,Website,wordpress etc, Select type of button, at this time there is 10 types, Click install to side  bar and choose blog or Copy and paste given code in widget in side bar.

(ii) Now about gigya --> In your account click Get Wildfire at top left side. Now chhose bookmark button from left menu, here you can choose gigya defaul button or enter image url what you want in Customized - Enter image URL: Box. Choose button behavior ,fill Bookmark title, Copy code from Grab Code and paste in side bar.
It consist of two step one to add code in CSS part  and second is Style sheet part. To add Code follow these steps.

Badges For Sidebar 

These are small badges of bookmarking sites which are open and not hidden by chicklets. To put badges in side bar copy and paste given code below in side bar widget.


Get Feedburner Feed Link

What is Feedburner?

Feedburner is google service which automatically ping to many interesting parties to give feed of any blogger, first it was independent service but later it takeover by google. By making feed burner account you will get other many benificial services like Email Subscription form for your blog and Feed Counter etc to know more click links. here i am telling about to get feedburner feed link.

1. Copy and paste this link in your browser
2. Login with your google,Gmail or Blogger account.
3. Put your blog url in box below this line (Burn a feed right this instant. Type your blog or feed address here:)
4. Press Next and Follow the instructions one by one. If your blog is not related to online video then avoid to mark any box related to postcad.
5. At the end you will find link like this This is your feedburner feed link.

Add Author Comment Differenciate Code

"Add Code to Differentiate Author comments From others"

Here is simple code which you have to install in your template, which differentiate author comments from Visitors Comment in your blog comment section. You can change color what you want of background. Font Style and color. This modification is in two parts , that is CSS , Stylesheet. We first modify CSS part.
Follow Steps :

1. Login your blogger account.
2. Go to your template by click first, Layout then Edit HTML.
3. Backup your existing template to revert back in any fault.
4. Find comment section in template , it is always at the upper part
   of templates, for quick search You can find by pressing ctrl+f and
   insert line in search box popup, what you have to search is  
   .comment-body {  or  .comment-author { , if you find any one
    between two these then good other wise search manually in CSS
    part related to comment
5. Now copy paste code given in "red color" just like given in colored
     box below.


Set Up Label Cloud or Tag Clod

In this article i am going to tell you how you can set up Label Cloud or Tag cloud in your Blogger Blogs.
Actually there is three diffrent codes which you have to add in your blog. These three parts are CSS or Stylesheet part, Configuration Part and Widget Part. Now we are going to add these but before adding these code backup your existing Template so that occuring of any mistake you can restore it. For downloading existing Template go to Layout, Edit HTML and Click on  Download Full Template save it to your Computer.

Now adding Label Cloud

1. Login your Blogger account.
2. Click Layout --> Edit HTML
3. Find out in template this code ]]></b:skin> (if you are not able to
    find manually then click "ctrl+F" .
4. Copy and Paste  Code given below in Box before it. Just Like in


Promote Blogs

In this article To Promote your Blog I am giving some tips

1. Always update your blog regularly by posting good articles.
2. Do not copy paste others blogger articles.
3. Avoid useless topics.
4. Submit your blog to Blog Directory.See List here
5. Link Exchange with other Bloggers related to your blog.
6. Follow others Blog. Like Google Follower,Networked Blog,Spicy Page etc.

7. Put some gadgets on your blogs like recent viewers, Followers,Vote my blog etc so that people can follow your blog and vote for them. The aim is to place your profile link on there blog or account. This will not harm anyoune so always do it.
8. If you found interesting article on any blog bookmark that article to bookmarking site. May be someone bookmark yours. This habit is good for all bloggers.
9. Avoid to make blog on blogspot, I have blog on it and with time i found that blogspot restrict users to some points.
10. Make friends on Social Networks like, Facebook,Stumbleupon,Blogcatalog,Mybloglog,Spicypages, etc. Some sites also work as bookmarking sites, So from these sites have double benefits.
11. Do not make your blog heavy by placing usless codes and banners.
12. Write Good Comment on others articles and put your blog link with it. Do not write like (good blog,Nice Blog, Love your Blog etc), Instead of these write comment in detail about that article what you think about that article. Actually giving good comments in detail in 4 to 5 lines will sure your comment published with your blog link if comments are moderated by owner.

Add Scrollbar in Sidebar Widgets

How to add Scrollbar in Blog Widgets ?

                                                    Fig - 1

Some time your sidebar Link List or other links Widget become Very large and you want to hide it without removing links. Here is trick by which you can do this. In this trick all your links will be in scrollbar and your widget will look Very short in size. For add this scrollbar in your widget you need to modify your Template. It is not very difficult, you have to add code in your template for this follow instructions below:

1. Login You blogger Account.
2. Click Layout and then click EditHTML.
3. Scroll down to see Widget IDs Look Like In Fig - 2.

                                                     Fig - 2


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