This blog content is to help bloggers specially bloggers to have tips and tricks few hacks to make their blog look good to people and even to google bots
Step-1. Go to, login your account.Here you will see form like this in image first.Type your blog url in blank field where in image type i am apodcaster if you want to include in your blog video or music files otherwise leave it blank.Now click next you will see page -2 as in image -2
Step-2. Mark in second feed for bloggers because rss feed is default feed. Click next you will see page-3 as in image-3.
Step-3.Check all content is correct as given in image-3 below in your form.
Step-4. In 4th step you will see as image in 4.
Step-5. Step five is only for those who are podcaster,you can skip this step.But if you want you can fill all information about your site as shown in image-5.
Step-6. You can click all items but leave blank if you not want these.
Step-7. This is final step of your adding site in feedburner.Here you will see congtatulation about adding you site is done.
Step-8. From here your fist step start to get Email subscription code for you blog or site.Look at above bar you will see Publicize click this. In the next page you will see Email Subscription in left-side click it.
Step-9. When you click Email Subscription at next page you will see Activate button,at default this service is inactive,activate it by clicking at activate button.
Step-10. At final step you will see the page containing Subscription form code below subscription Management. Copy and paste this code in your blog or site where you want this form to appear.
Follow all steps given in Add Email Subscription Form if you have not feedburner account,if you have then login your aacount and follow instuction given here. Instead of geting email subscription form,we will get feed counter code for feed counter. Step-1. Click on publicize as shown in image above.
Step-2. Now click on Feed Count in leftside you will see page as given above in image. In default this service is inactive click to active it.
Step-3. You can change the colour of counter and text if you want, in default it is sky blue.
Step-4. Save changes if you made any changes in colour of body and text.
Step-5. there is two options for counter static and animated. Choose one copy code and paste in your blog or site where you want to appeare this counter.
How to Implement Code for expand post view or read more?
For implement this code in blog template follow these steps.
Remember before making any changes download your template so
you can revert it later if you want.
1. Login to your Blogger account. 2. Then go to layout. 3. Click edit html. 3. Mark in the box Expand Widget Templates. 4. Find( ]]></b:skin> ) or you can just do this press ctrl-f and copy paste in box and search. 5. Copy paste code given below in colored box just below it.
<!-- Style to implement "Read more on this Article" link in all the posts (Start) --> <style> <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'> span.fullpost {display:inline;} <b:else/> span.fullpost {display:none;} </b:if> </style> <!-- Style to implement "Read more on this Article" link in all the posts (End) -->
6. Pres again ctrl-f and find this code ( <data:post.body/> ) copy and paste code given in colored box below this code.
<!-- Code to show "Read more ..." Link (Begin) --> <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != "item"'> <span> <a expr:href='data:post.url' style='color:#0000FF; text-align:right; font-weight:bold; text-decoration:none' >Read more ...</a> </span> </b:if> <!-- Code to show "Read more..." Link (End) -->
7. When you publish post and want to hide some part, then use this code and place all that piece of post which you between want to hide between this code.
<span class="fullpost"> place here what you want to hide. </span>
First of all, what is favicon? Favicon are logos which appears in we browsers. How can change these in blogger? We can change this in blogger, you have to place code in your html file. When you save this code in your html file, then during page loading this favicon will take over the default blogger favicon.
1. For creating favicons you need a favicon image. For creation
How to add comment box below post? Do you like blogger Comment Box? No? Then here is the trick to add comment box just below the post. 1. First you have to need account in Don't worry, no need for another account,copy and past in explorer and send.There you login with you blogger account. 2. Click settings --> comments --> Comment Form Placement(
here mark Embedded below post) just like in image.
3. Now for changing code. first click layout,the Edit HTML ,the click box of Expand Widget Templates . Before you made any changes i suggest you to download and save your current template by click Download Full Template. Now find code given in red below in your html file. if your are not able to find it do this trick. Press ctrl f of your keyboard and search by placing this code ( class='comment-footer ) in search box which appear on screen.
How to hide blogger navbar.
As you noticed blogger's default templates have navbar on
the top just below the browser. If you not like this, here
is the trick how to hide this.
1. Sign in to your blogger account. Click on the layuot button on
the top.
2. Now click on the Edit HTML as shown in the picture below. Here your blog html editor will be opened where you have to put code to hide navbar.